Monday, December 10, 2007

Very nearly halfway done...

Just a quick post because I haven't figured out how to type and knit at the same time. Annabelle has kept me quite busy today. She and her brothers somehow worked out a schedule where each one of them needed me at a dfferent time. (She's only 11 months old but her powers are awe-inspiring.) I would finally get her down for a nap and then the three -year old would have some sort of earth-shattering emergency, then before I knew it, the clock demanded I go pick up the nine year-old from school.

Any other day,I could drive through the line and pick him up at the gym doors, but we (the PTO) decided to extend the Holiday Shop for the kidlets who missed a day and a half last week for snow. It worked out great for the kids who needed that last minute chance to spend the spare change in their pockets. (There are going to be some surprised faces on Mom and Dad when they open the 35 cent packet of glow-in-the-dark putty Christmas morning.) It didn't work out so well for the PTO end of things. We had fantastic volunteers all week last week, but our possibly insane devoted parent who spent way more time in the shop than is healthy, came up sick today. (Imagine that, helping most of our 600+ kids and she caught the bug that's going around. How's that for gratitude?) Fortunately, we were able to nab a couple of our faithful volunteers who filled in the gaps, allowing us to let the kids in for one last hurrah. Unfortunately, it meant the the other co-president and I spent a couple hours after school reconciling and packing up the leftover merchandise. It means I lost a couple hours knitting time, but it's for the kids after all.

Once I got home the kids resumed their rotating schedule and I resigned myself to getting my knitting done tonight before the meds kick in. As a result I only have about an inch left to go on Gran's first sock (completely do-able) and then I'm half done with that gift. Now the kids are all tucked in and it's just me, my librivox and my wool. I'm currently listening to Through the Looking Glass, (up next is one of the Jeeves and Wooster books) while I knit away.

On another note, I'm also halfway towards opening my own yarn shop. I went to the Courthouse today to begin the process of getting my business license. I applied for an Assumed or Fictitious Name. (it almost sounds criminal or at the very least a bit shady) The next step tomorrow is to go to the Zoning and Planning Board and fill out another form with them. By the end of the week, I should have my license. WooHoo!!! The whole licensing process will have set me back a whopping $20.00. Of course the yarn etc.... well, that's a whole different story.

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