Friday, December 7, 2007


I'm just posting quickly because I'm in a bit of a tight spot. I'm still frantically working on my Gran's socks, but now I'm fighting two battles. First I have to fight the dreaded Single Sock Syndrome which shouldn't be too difficult, a single sock is kind of a crummy gift. The problem I usually have is that I like to try out new patterns and by the second sock, the pattern is no longer new. Oh well.

The other battle is a bit more challenging. My Gran's birthday is February 29 and every year I agonise over what to give her. This year I have already decided what to do the problem is that I have to force myself to finish the socks first. My aunt mentioned that Gran needs a white sweater, not off-white, not cream not nearly white, but really and truly white. Apparently there are no white sweaters to be had for love or money. If there are, I certainly couldn't find any, so I'm going to do the only logical thing. I'm going to put aside my fear of commitment to a large project, scour the internet and the yarn shops and crank out a handmade, white cardigan in two months' time. I've never knit a cardigan before. To date I have made socks, scarves, a couple hats and some teddy bears, but for some reason I seem to believe that it is perfectly sane and reasonable to expect to be able to make a sweater for my Gran who lives 8 hours away and for whom I have no measurements whatsoever.

My judgement may be somewhat clouded by the after-effects of my tonsillectomy. I have spent the last few days unable to do much of anything. The doctor gave me Lortab for the pain in my throat and while I typically have a hard time remembering to take pills once a day, the throbbing, burning ache in my throat has me keeping close track of my dosing schedule. Once I take my medication, I have about an hour to do whatever I can that requires any sort of attention span. I have actually caught myself dozing off with my knitting in my hands... more than once. In the past 24 hours, I have added approximately 10 rows to the first sock. That's barely one inch. And yet I remain confident I can finish both socks before Christmas and Gran's cardigan before the end of February.... and while I'm at it, I think I'll knit my step-dad a pullover (jumper) for his birthday (Feb. 17). If the Knitting Police catch up with me, I'm sure to be charged with "Knitting Under the Influence." I plan to blame the yarn fumes.

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