Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Life runs the show. You come up with ideas, you make plans and life says, "That's a nice thought, here's what I'm thinking" and before you know it, things have shifted. That's pretty much what's gone on around here. I intended to keep up with the blog on a more regular basis, but obviously that didn't work out as planned.

What did work out however was a spur of the moment job interview that landed me a part-time position in a job I enjoy, doing what I like, around people I would have chosen as friends. The kids are growing like weeds and I now have a pre-schooler, a first-grader and a very nearly teen.

They have argued and fought the way only siblings can, and every night when I go to check on them, they have huddled up like puppies, curled up together with an arm over another's neck or sometimes a foot in someone's ear. They fall asleep whispering to each other and wake each other with hugs and giggles in the morning. As much as they can get on each others' nerves, they don't like being separated for long periods and they watch out for each other. If being able to watch them share this close bond means I'm not writing quite as much as I hoped, I'm OK with life's altered plan.