Thursday, August 21, 2008

Odds and Ends

I finally found a meme that I felt like doing. It was originally labeled as "50 things..." but a couple numbers were skipped so it's more like 48 things. Anyway, here you go.

4 dozen odd things about me

  1. Do you like bleu cheese? Sometimes, especially with hot wings.

  2. Have you ever smoked? Nope.

  3. Do you own a gun? Just Nerfs and Super Soakers

  4. What flavor do you add to your drinks from Sonic? Cherry, once in a while.

  5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Not usually.

  6. What do you think of hot dogs? They're OK if I have sauerkraut or chili.

  7. Favorite Christmas movie? Toss up between original Grinch and Christmas Story.

  8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Chocolate milk

  9. Can you do push-ups? The frozen treats? Absolutely. Oh you mean the excercise. Plural? Ha ha ha hah. Wait a sec. Let me catch my breath; I'm winded now.

  10. Do you know the secret of a happy life? Not exactly, but I think it involves letting a lot of stuff go.

  11. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? My love-knot necklace

  12. Favorite hobby? knitting, crocheting, reading, cooking

  13. Song you're listening to right now? One from Dr. Horrible, "Laundry day/ See you there./ Underthings/ tumbling..." Curse you, Joss Wheedon!

  14. Do you have ADD? I don't think so...

  15. What's one trait you don't like about yourself? When I get stressed, I get snippy. (I try to nip it in the bud, though.)

  16. Middle name? Annette

  17. Name three thoughts at this exact moment: Acckkk! why do I always find buggish formatting issues?!?... I wonder what I should fix for dinner... I hope I can get this Special Olympics scarf done in a timely fashion.

  18. Name three things you bought yesterday. Nothing, the day before, however, I picked up school supplies and two skeins of yarn (for the aforementioned S.O. Scarf.)

  19. Name three drinks you usually drink. milk, tea, soda

  20. Current worry? I want our Cub Scout Fall Roundup to go well.

  21. Current hate right now? I haven't figured out how to be in multiple places at once.

  22. Favorite place to be? Library or in the park if it's nice out.

  23. How did you bring in the New Year? Quietly with family and friends

  24. Where would you like to go? England, Ireland and Canada

  25. Do you own slippers? Yes, a few pairs. Now can I find any two that match? Well that's a different matter altogether.

  26. Last magazine you read? Boy's Life (what can I say, we're a scouting family.)

  27. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? No. I get too warm.

  28. Can you whistle? Yes

  29. Favorite color? I have an affinity for purple

  30. Would you be a pirate? Perhaps.

  31. What songs do you sing in the shower? Currently songs from Dr. Horrible... Laundry Day, A Man's Gotta Do, Brand New Day... Curse you again Joss Wheedon! You and your nefarious Ear-worm soundtracks. It's curtains for you! Lacy, gently wafting curtains...

  32. Favorite girl's name? Ophelia

  33. Favorite boy's name? I'm not sure.

  34. What's in your pockets right now? ID, cell phone and the change my kids haven't discovered yet.

  35. Last thing that made you laugh? My toddler's "mean face".

  36. Best bed sheets as a child? Any of the ones fresh from the dryer.

  37. Worst injury you've had? Severly sprained ankle. I swear it was much more obnoxious than either of the times I broke my arm.

  38. Do you love where you live? All in all, I'm pretty happy with it.

  39. Cat lover or dog lover? Yes. What can I say? I grew up surrounded by both.

  40. Who is your loudest friend? I can't think of any... does that mean it's me?

  41. How many fish do you have? Nary a one.

  42. Does anyone have a crush on you? If they do, they're keeping mum about it.

  43. What is your favorite TV show? Firefly, (also House, Bones, Psych, In Plain Sight, Numbers, Medium, Eureka, Stargate:SG1 and Terminator:Sarah Connor Chronicles.)

  44. What is your favorite book? Any of Terry Pratchett's novels and the first four books in Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Trilogy

  45. What is your favorite candy? Hmmm.. Curly Wurly, Crunchee, Buttons, Malteasers (choc. and the white ones), Milky Bars

  46. Favorite sports team? My son's soccer team. Professionally, DC United.

  47. What song do you want played at your funeral? Right now I'd probably say "Brand New Day" because it's running through my brain. Otherwise I think it'd be cool to have "Finnegan's Wake".

  48. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? What a strange dream...

I have returned

Wow! what a busy summer we've had. The kids start school next week, but it seems like they just got out. We had Cub Resident Camp at Camp Rock Enon, then we went to SC followed by a trip to Upstate New York. There was a brief hiatus and then it was off to WBC in Lancaster, PA. We had lots of fun meeting up with old friends and making some new ones. Now we're recovering from our hectic summer and getting ready for a slightly less busy Fall.

Back at the beginning of the year I signed up on Ravelry to make a square for the project that has become known as the Pratchgan (an afghan for Terry Pratchett, author of the Johnny Maxwell books and the Discworld series.) Pratchett announced that he had been diagnosed with early onset Alzheimers and we wanted to show our support by giving him something warm and fuzzy. The result was the afghan below. The lady who organized it (and seamed it and backed it, bless her) had been in contact with Terry's agent who was thrilled about the whole thing. She wound up being able to attend an event in Scotland and give it to Terry in person. She said he particularly liked the Librarian square. I wonder what he'll say when he discovers the Luggage opens up and contains wee bits of clothing.

More pictures can be found here at Flickr. I actually got to do two squares, but didn't have my camera, so they're not in the individual photos. The first one is in the top row, fourth from the left. It is all white and is the bobble sheep I modified from a dishcloth pattern. The other square is the eighth row down, third square from the right. It's the apple from Equal Rites. The one that would allow only Esk to climb it and always had apples that went from green to wormy overnight. The odd thing leaning against the trunk is Esk's staff. It was a lot of fun to make and I actually stash-busted for it. You can just barely see the square near Terry's hip, below the "I Aten't Dead."

All in all, contributing to the project and following its progress has been loads of fun, but I'm glad it's been handed off. I hope it keeps Terry comfy and amused as he works on his newest novels. Now for my next project(s)...